Bible Discussion Group

Saint Margaret Mary's Weekly Bible Discussion

The Bible is God's inspired word

The Bible is true and essential for today, tomorrow, and forever

The Bible shows the way you can have a personal relationship with God

The Bible challenges us to spread the Good News of Salvation

Jesus said: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Mt 4:4 NASB)

World Synod of Bishops, in their Oct. 24, 2008 gathering, said devotion to the word of God must lead Catholics to prayer, concrete acts of charity, unity with other Christians and dialogue with all people of good will. They also went on to say, "Every home should have its own Bible and safeguard it in a visible and dignified way, to read it and to pray with it."

The Bible is God's living word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, revealing God's plan of salvation for mankind, written by human authors, relevant to all people of all cultures at all times. However, a book cannot listen, nor console, nor challenge, but the Lord does. He does this through the fellowship of His people that make up His church.

The ministry of Tuesday Night Bible Discussion welcomes anyone who seeks fellowship so they may reflect and gain deeper understanding of the Word of God through the study of the following weekend's Mass Readings. We endeavor to explore ways to bring God's Word into our daily lives.

If you have any questions about our Bible Study Group, or think you might be interested in joining, please contact Deacon John Del Quadro through the parish office at

(928) 758-7117

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