Youth Group

Jesus calls each of us to be his disciples. Talking about our faith is not enough, we must live it. The youth ministry's purpose is to help young Catholics from all races and backgrounds to put Jesus into the center of their lives. Our spiritually led program is designed to bring our youth together in a safe environment while teaching the basics of being Catholic and giving the opportunity to broaden their horizons through education, sport and interaction with each other.

Youth ministry is a very important part of our parish community. We welcome our youth to the Catholic way of life, educate them about other's needs and provide a fun environment where the youth can share their own thoughts and feelings with God and each other. Our overall vision is to present young strong adult Catholic leaders to our community.

Youth Group meets Monday 5:30pm to 7:00pm during the school year, September thru May.

For more information contact Edson Estrada or Fr. Dan Vollmer. 928-758-7117

Bienvenidos al Grupo de Jovenes de Santa Margarita Maria de Bullhead City, AZ. Este grupo es para poder aprender a conocer la Palabra de Dios por medio de estudios biblicos, tambien por dinamicas y otros actividades. El objectivo del grupo es que puedan crecer su espiritualidad y ayudar a la sociedad de hoy a conocer a Dios. Los que no quieren estar en este grupo, pueden salir con todo decision de uno, pero los que gusten estar en este grupo, pues bienvenidos y adelante con conocer la palabra de Dios.

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